taneja-chappiti profile photo

As a designer fuelled by a love for colours, storytelling, and crafting experiences that spread joy through products, I thrive on turning visions into vibrant realities.

achoo: Hay Fever wellbeing for children

Branding for achoo.

With a strong visual identity, achoo connects with parents and children alike, providing a refreshing visual appeal.


Ideation exploring colours, forms and taking inspiration from existing products in other areas.

Prototyping and user testing with real children

I designed and created an aesthetic & interactive prototype to gain valuable feedback from numerous users of my target age range, allowing me to further improve my concept with users at the heart of development.

Ambiome: An UX design project.

With an overarching aim to reduce domestic energy consumption, Ambiome is a smart renovation app driven by an AI Digital Twin, giving young first-time property buyers the freedom and confidence to renovate their hard-earned home without compromise. The app indirectly provides futureproofing energy saving suggestions without pressuring users to consider external/future factors.

Further Experience: The Walt Disney Company

Taking on the exciting role of EMEA Lucasfilm Reviewer, I was heavily involved in all things Star Wars throughout my time here. From providing Lucasfilm creative guidance to associates across all consumer products departments, to working on creative projects for brands like Xiaomi. With a heavy emphasis on storytelling, my creative skills, efficiency and confidence as a designer have grown immeasurably following my magical year at the house of mouse!

Cosmic Seas: An ongoing fine art exploration.

Exploring the fusion of outer space with deep sea, Cosmic Seas focuses on creating an otherworldly atmosphere, immersing the viewer in a realm that is both familiar and tangible, but also fantastical and awe-inspiring.

This is an ongoing personal project I love escaping to in my free time!