I am very inspired by my sensory issues as an autistic person. I would like to communicate visually through my sculptures and photographies in the way the the audiences can "feel the art with their eyes" through visual art.
I gained inspirations from things around me that make me uncomfortable. I find mould extremely disgusting and grotesque because it spreads and grows fast. The mood spores are what particularly disgust me the most, especially if I accidentally touch it. I decided to grow old for this project to show their true disgusting and grotesque nature.
Aspics also disgust me. I do not like the texture of “meat jelly” in my mouth since I associate the idea of jelly with desserts, not savoury food, so the concept of “meat jelly” really makes me feel uncomfortable, although I have had savoury jelly in the past and it was a unpleasant experience, to say the least.