sam-haughton profile photo

Detail-oriented, adaptable, and driven product designer, committed to developing innovative and user-centric solutions.

Final Year Project


Dosing and Administration of Antibiotics to Neonates

Medication errors in paediatrics happen three times as much as in the adult population, with the most frequent drug involved being antibiotics, occurring during the dosing stage.

About NeoDose

The goal of NeoDose was to streamline the dosing and administration process, reducing both errors and the number of medical personnel involved, whilst adhering to existing protocol.

By double-checking calculations and verifying both patient and drug information, NeoDose ensures the right patient receives the right medication at the right time. Reducing the risk of errors and enhancing patient safety.

Design Week

“Design a powered air filtering product which improves air quality within a context of your choosing”

Having been brought up in Bangkok the topic of air pollution hit close to home. The impact of which disproportionally affects children from disadvantaged backgrounds, resulting in more than one in every four deaths of children under the age of five.
The goal of ‘Eva’ was to produce an affordable and easily implementable air filtering device that reduces particulate pollution in a classroom and encourages awareness of the issue amongst children.


’24 Design Week 2nd Place – FSW


’23 Staverton – Product Design Assistant