luisa-maria-conceicao profile photo

As a graphic design student, I have developed a keen interest in UI and UX design. I am passionate about designing applications and observing how effectively they serve the public.

Final Project – Lighthouse Website

The name ‘Lighthouse’ was inspired by the vital role lighthouses play at sea, guiding and bringing boats safely back to shore. Similarly, our mission at Lighthouse is to guide and support men on their journey to mental wellness and connection.

Lighthouse is a dedicated network designed for men navigating mental health challenges. 

Our mission is to eliminate the stigma associated with men seeking mental health support, encouraging open dialogue and fostering an environment when men can confidently express their feelings and what they are going through.

Through innovative technology, Lighthouse connects men with mental health professionals and introduce’s them to our Run club, fostering a supportive community.

Lighthouse is aimed at men of all ages who may have hesitated to seek support due to societal stigma. We aim to reach individuals who desire a secure and confidential space to address their mental health concerns openly.

Scan the QR code to learn more about our special run events and join the movement for connection and wellness.

Each Lighthouse t-shirt purchase comes with information on how to join our Run Club, along with an inspiring story of mental and physical wellness from a member of our Lighthouse community.