evie-maddison profile photo

I am a conceptual artist working with ideas surrounding existence, my current work is centred around my own existence and a struggle to find meaning in an indifferent world.


My practice is centred around the notion of existence itself. Through meticulous documentation, over the past year I have collected data via graphs , photography , videography and coordinates to build a map of my existence to articulate my place in the world. My work comments on my disparity of my own existence , touching on themes of nihilism and latterly existentialism. I endeavour to capture the mundane, cyclical nature of life and a struggle to find purpose in a seemingly indifferent world.

Above are photographs from my exhibition “Exhibit A” , Exhibit A compiled data from my first few months of recording and showcased them in an installation. Alongside the installation I completed a live performance that lasted 4 hours , involving a repetitive imitation of my daily routine , highlighting the cyclical notion of life.