callum-robson-bain profile photo

I am passionate about using my skills and knowledge for the benefit of others. I particularly enjoy understanding the behaviour and psychology of the user. Although I focus on digital design, I have an interest in designing for real-world environments.

BYOMA Landing Page

This short project focussed on developing an effective, multi-platform Landing Page for BYOMA. The Landing Page was designed to reflect and promote BYOMA’s character and values.

Centred around BYOMA’s 5 Step Routine, the design is inspired by the shape of BYOMAs products, interpreted as building blocks in ‘Boosting your Barrier’.

S.O.S: Save Our Sight

D&AD NewBlood x 21 Grams 2024 Submission

‘S.O.S: Save Our Sight’ is a Social Media campaign which aims to get Generation Z off their phones in order to save their eyes from developing Myopia. On average Generation Z spend 9 hours a day in their phone and Social Media is a particular attraction.

The campaign weaves a narrative between realms both temporal and spatial. A message from the year 2050, where almost 50% of the population are Myopic. Too much screen time has devastated their eyesight. Generation Z are tasked with a single mission to save their eyesight. Spreading wide across social media, the campaign encourages Generation Z to put down their phones and get out and about.

Heart and Mind

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Understanding for Young Men.

Adolescence is a complicated time for Young Males. Plagued by the invisible, yet omnipresent cloud of Toxic Masculinity, they are restricted to a rigid collection of ‘socially accepted’ emotions, so as to not appear ‘feminine’ or ‘weak’. This causes young men to develop a low Emotional Literacy, preventing them from fully understanding and processing their emotions and resulting in emotional and physical outburst, often to their own detriment.

Heart and Mind stands as a solution. A mental fitness app that enables the user to embark on a real time journey of self-discovery and understanding. The app focusses on improving the Emotional Literacy of the user through the continuous, real time process of logging emotions, with the possibility of unlocking new ones as they progress. The real time progress ensures the ‘Emotional Collection’ of the user mirrors their Emotional Literacy, with the aim on eventually no longer needing the app.

Hedgehog Conservation @ Loughborough University

A Hedgehog Conservation Service.

Since the 1950’s, the British Hedgehog population has fallen from an estimated 35 million, to just 1 million. Hedgehog Friendly Campus (HFC) was set up to combat their extinction. HFC have worked with Loughborough University in the past to make their Campus ‘Hedgehog Friendly’. However, the awareness and enthusiasm for Hedgehog Conservation on Loughborough Campus is almost minimal and there is no centralised system that enables Staff and Student’s to get involved.

Hedgehog Conservation @ Loughborough University is a service dedicated to coordinating, managing and encouraging Hedgehog Conservation on Loughborough Campus. Through the web service, students are provided with everything they need to know and allows them to sign up to regular on-the-ground conservation efforts, learn about Hedgehog Conservation and read the consistent newsletter.

Additionally, around Campus several eye-catching posters advertise the conservation effort, highlighting the important roles Hedgehogs play in our ecosystem and encouraging students to sign up.

Work Experience

Free Pads for India – Graphic Designer (2022-2023)