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Hi! I'm Aakifa, a multi-disciplinary designer specialising in branding and marketing design but also passionate about UI design and typography. I like working on various projects that allow me to take explore different styles and ideas.



A marketing campaign aimed to bring Twister back as a trend amongst Gen Z. 16-18 year old is a stressful time for this age group with a bunch of exams and other academic stress that they may be going through – Twister Rush gets them taking a break, up on their feet and going outdoors and around the neighbourhood for this fun little game.


The campaign starts off with advertising seen around the town and cities to make the audience aware of it to bring their attention and getting them involved.

This includes:

  • Billboard designs
  • Inside public transport
  • Posters (on notice boards etc)
  • Social media Ad campaign.


Upon being intrigued by the advertisement, the audience downloads the Twister Rush game with the concept of finding these Twister characters around the neighbourhood. Mr. Twister and his friends are located around the neighbourhood, following the map, they go around and collect each character working their way to unlock their twister treat.

Using AR for gamification

See each twister character in real-life locations with the use of AR. Players will be required to get their cameras out and scan the location to find and unlock the twister character.

(Inspired by: Pokemon Go – which would have been a childhood game for the targeted audience)

Following the in game map, players will unlock and collect all the Twister characters, compete with each other and their friends to see who collects the most, who is at the top of the leaderboard and who can unlock their twister treat.


As a part of this Guerrilla marketing campaign, the game ends at one of these twister stations where players claim there free twister treats after collecting all the characters. This Twister station has multiple functions:

  1. Twister vending machine – This allows people to buy a Twister without being involved in the game too, can help introduce new people to the brand too.
  2. Advertisement – On the side of the vending machine, there is information about the campaign and how to get involved to recruit more players.
  3. 3D twister inflatable character – A generation that is very keen with photography and social media would love to take a photograph with MR.Twister and share it on their social media pages,





The use of iPAD and digital screens is increasing amongst younger children and this is having a negative impact on the overall well being too – this can be avoided. Screens out campaign designed to help parents in getting their little ones off screens.

Talking directly to parents

“WHAT IS THAT SCREEN DOING TO YOUR LITTLE ONE?” is a question that will be asked to parents. Many parents just give their child a screen as an easy solution and don’t really dwell on the negative impacts of it that much. The campaign advertisement will work as a warning and bring attention to the issue and therefore lead parents to wanting to get involve and solve it.


Screens Out will be an app that is designed to help parents get their little ones off screens. On the app, they will be able to control the screen time of all their children, track how much screen time their child is getting, see other well being factors that would have been impacted by their screen time along with other other links and direct access to external sites that will help them in learning more about children and screen time.


One of the main features of the app will be the screen lock feature. Parents will be able to directly have access and lock off the screens of their children when they have exceeded their screen time amount for the app. This will just mean that parents will be able to get their child off screens as per their liking and requirements.


Upon joining the campaign, parents receive a personalised guide with information and screen free activities to help them keep their child busy with alternatives instead of the screen. The guide is initially a hard spiral bound book with just outlines and therefore can also be used as an another screen free activity – a colouring book! A digital E-book version is also available to download.


The campaign also hosts events with various different types of screen free activities around different locations that would be of interest to both the parent and child. Many of these events would be more like social events to help children learn to socialise as they get off screen but also activities that the parents would have grown up with in their childhood – Nostalgic!


Innocent is a brand that is well known for creating their products considering the well-being of children too and hence collating with them would work perfectly! Innocent friends can help parents get their little ones off screens. Each innocent drink will reveal an innocent friend that can keep little ones occupied in awkward situations instead of an iPad screen.

Each innocent drink will have an innocent friend that will can be peeled from the back for the little ones. Collect the whole innocent family, parents can snap and upload a photograph of their little one with each of these drink characters to receive their innocent friend toy.