madeleine-spence-reid profile photo

I am a multi-disciplinary designer with a focus on illustration and branding. My goal is to put story telling in the forefront of my projects, with the aim to effectively communicate with viewers and encourage change in behaviours.

Ski Safely: A Guide for Kids

A concertina with the initiative to encourage younger skiers to develop a strong foundation for proper ski safety. The ultimate goal would be to reduce accidents and injuries through education.

Stumps Cider

Group project for the Brand Opus brief.

Trying to make cider ‘cool’ again, appealing to a diverse audience of cricket go-ers! Stumps showcases three brand new flavours for all the cider lovers, perfect while watching cricket in the sun.

City of Stolen Magic Cover Redesign

Penguin book brief: the children’s book category.

The goal was to reimagine the cover while sustaining the themes of magic, heritage and family.