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I design products to help users make their lives easier by creating intuitive and effective solutions

Easi- Enhancing the user experience when preparing in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) injections

About Easi

Recognising that few women possess the necessary expertise to confidently prepare IVF injections, Easi is an innovative solution designed to simplify the preparation of IVF injections at home. Easi automates the injection preparation process, and provides portability by enabling pre-prepared syringes to be carried in travel cases allowing women to complete their injections while away from home.

How it works

The IVF clinic provides a QR code for the user to download their injection timetable to the Easi app, which syncs to the device via Bluetooth displaying their injections.

Service application

The Easi app’s combination of injection timetable viewing, alarm setting, instructional tutorials, schedule sharing and engagement with an online IVF community, creates a comprehensive support system, providing reassurance during the IVF process.

Increasing the ease of use

Magnetic contacts allow the user to remove the capsule from the base to insert or remove the syringe easily.


This case is designed to protect the capsule in transit.

This case is equipped with Peltier cooling to protect pre-prepared syringes.

In use

After selecting the injection on the digital screen and inserting the syringe into the capsule, the user activates the Empty Draw function to move the syringe plunger downward and draw in air.

The user places the vial into the capsule, selects the Draw function, which injects air into the vial and withdraws the plunger to the desired dose.

Work experience

My placement year was split between Wrapology and NML Studio. During this time I learnt the discipline needed in high-paced, successful companies and saw the designs I created for clients being produced and placed on the shelves.