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My work explores the devastation of the Holocaust and how this topic should still be spoken about today so we as humans can learn. I have used techniques such as photography and bleach to explore this sensitive subject.

The Holocaust

Throughout this topic, I explored different ways of using restricted colour pallets and how this as well as the composition would affect the harshness of contrast and atmosphere within my work. For much of this project, I have looked closely at diaries and books written by survivors and have transformed their words into imagery. The knowledge of the Holocaust is fading and this horrifying series of events should never be forgotten.

Bleach on lokta paper, visualising from survivors words.
Bleach on lokta paper, visualising from survivors words.
Bleach and Lino, layered.


A reflection in watered down red acrylic paint

Red acrylic paint on model

Juxtaposing with life, growth, abuse and struggle

WW2 Railway whistle, helped transport goods
Soldiers shadows

While exploring with photography, I explored different levels of lighting and how this could increase atmosphere and understanding of such a delicate topic. I used harsh highlights and shadows to increase the depth and texture, which also emphasised the seriousness and importance of remembering The Holocaust. How can we change our actions, save lives and end the separation and segregation of groups of people?

Bloody hands

acrylic paint on model