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I am a creative person that also really enjoys the technical side of design. Being passionate about sustainability I hope to make a difference through my creations.

Radar Spatial Awareness Device for the Hearing Impaired

Hearing impaired individuals often struggle to navigate public shared pathways due to their disability. As a result of this, EnviroSync© was created. The device works by inherently alerting the user of micro-mobility vehicles (such as bicycles, scooters and skateboards) approaching from behind. Through simple vibrations, one would not only be able to sense its approach, but also distinguish the direction in which it will overtake ahead of time.

How It Works

Comprised of a subtle wireless waist-worn device, the product enhances spatial awareness through the use of a radar sensor and vibration motors as an intuitive alert system. The radar sensor provides a 180° scope of detection behind the user, completely covering the peripheral blind spot. Vibration motors strategically placed around the waistband notify the user of the approach by vibrating the in area that is perpendicular to the vehicle to signal overtake direction, leaving ample time for a quick step out the way. A strong magnetic connection is utilised to hold the two main bodies together comfortably over clothing.

In Context

The design is intentionally sleek and subtle, in order to reduce any drawn attention. An adjustable, wide elastic band is worn at the small of the waist, maximising comfort to a degree in which the user can eventually forget that they’ve got a wearable device on until necessary. Two sensory modes are incorporated into the device; city (alerting the user at a range of 5 meters) and countryside (alerting at a range of 10 meters), based on the average travel speed of micro-mobility vehicles and reaction time in both areas.


All Components are compact and leightweight to make them comfortable to wear. A clear LED battery indicator and On/Off button are included for energy conservation. Along with two batteries present in the device assembly in order to power the product for a full 8 hour run time.

Functional Prototype

For prototyping purposes, ultrasonic sensors were used rather than a radar as a cost saving method. The Prototype is powered using an Arduino microcontroller; 4 vibration motor modules, on/off switch and 3 ultrasonic sensors.

Prototype in Action

Sensing the approach of a bicycle, the radar triggers the vibration motors on the users back. As the bicycle approaches, the motors that corresponds to the cyclist’s position on the users’ side begin to vibrate, allowing the user enough time to step out the way.

Sustainable Electric Shower Design

In this day and age, sustainably oriented design is the foundation of a more environmentally and socially secured future. For this brief I focused on creating an elegant and modernly designed electric shower with sustainability at its heart.

Elevating the classic electric shower this design incorporates an LED timing system, razor washing basin and tap for skincare. In addition, a neat and aesthetic storage system allows for a more organised zen shower experience.


73 BILLION LITRES would be saved a year if 10% of UK households reduce their shower time by 2 minutes. In order to reduce average shower time, LED’s are used in this design to create a visual timing system that counts down the users shower time. The three timer settings include; quick, medium and a long shower


50 BILLION LITRES are wasted each year on women shaving thier legs in the UK. Shaving in the shower wastes billions upon billions of litres of water annually. To tackle this a manual refillable water collection basin is incorporated in order to rinse razors during the shaving process.


“I do my skincare in the shower every day for 3 minutes and leave the water running” – charlotte. To reduce wasted water the tap used to fill up the basic can also be swivelled round to simplify the face washing process, allowing the user to cup their hands below it, therefore reducing water waste.


2024 Live Projects Prize Winner (Awarded 1st place by Triton Showers)

2022 Design Week Prize Winner (Awarded 1st place by Signet Branding)

Work Experience

SharkNinja Product Design Engineer Intern (2022 – 2023)