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An aspiring graphic designer who has gained valuable internship experience at Dalziel and Pow and FTI Consulting. Skills in Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, brand design, packaging, UX/UI and a passion for creativity, I'm eager to contribute to the design industry.


GLP-1 utilises the distinctive characteristics of GLP-1, a hormone that naturally exists in platypuses’ venom, to support the management of type 1 diabetes. Our unique brand provides cream, oil and serum versions of products are designed to help individuals control their blood sugar levels by bringing improved simplicity, efficacy and discretion to traditional methods.

This was an eight-week group project with Yasmin Willmer. The skills I used in this project were Figma design, packaging, logo design, typography, layout design and branding.

Doing It

Doing It is an original company that transforms sex education for 14-16-year-olds, by introducing a dynamic and enjoyable approach. The brand is both colourful and amusing, aimed at enhancing the enjoyment and effectiveness of the learning experience. I created this brand because traditional sex education is lacking in crucial detail, and the delivery of lessons are typically un-engaging and awkward. Doing It has changed the original style of teaching into a space that is comfortable and open-minded for the students.

This was a six-week personal project. The skills I used to create this project were hand-drawn illustration, packaging, videography, video editing, digital layout and typography.