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Hi, I am Rosie, a user-centric multidisciplinary designer specialising in UX design and branding. I have a keen interest in motion graphics and enjoy connecting people through shared experiences. My commitment lies in championing inclusivity and accessibility throughout my work.

Coke Connect

Coke Connect offers an empowering event experience designed for young individuals aged 21-27 looking to enhance their social wellness. It encourages those ready to step out of their comfort zones to meet new, like-minded people, fostering genuine connections in a supportive and uplifting environment.

With various locations worldwide, Coke Connect knows no boundaries, celebrating diversity, culture, and the universal desire for belonging through Coca-Cola’s brand philosophy – Real Magic lies in genuine connections

The Coke Connect Crew are dedicated to creating a warm and inviting social mixer, supporting guests through carefully selected icebreaker activities, inclusive to all abilities, aiming to build confidence and social wellness. All whilst having fun and indulging in refreshing global Coca-Cola products, immersing in the eye-opening interactive space: Messages of Unity and enjoying Coke Studio live performances. 


User Experience

Messages of Unity: Interactive Globe, is an immersive experience which harnesses the potential of global participation, communicating Real Magic through feelings and shared experiences in a visually inspiring environment. The universal reality of loneliness in young people and their desire to belong unites them, as they make their mark on the digital interactive wall, generating authentic responses. 

The Interactive Globe provides perspective on the power of human connection, with the capability to zoom into messages from around the world. As participation increases globally, geo-location red illuminations fill on the Coke Connect scape exterior screens, emphasising how Real Magic lies in genuine connections.

The Atlas Bar tempts guests to sample global Coca-Cola flavours, alcoholic spirits and share a drink from a different culture. The Creations Lab uses AI to create unique flavour combinations via user prompts and a personalised souvenir cup offers bottomless refills; sharing mixes with the global Coke Connect collective to forge wider connections and a sense of belonging.


Problem & Insight

Young people today are categorised as being the loneliest demographic universally, with over a quarter of people aged 19-29 worldwide reporting a significant feeling of loneliness.

Although some find their way within the turbulence of their 20s, others can find it challenging to trust, fight anxiety and make genuine connections with like-minded people; with many feeling socially drained and lacking a strong sense of social wellness. It can be daunting to approach new people in bars, join established friendship groups, or get involved in big social events without the support and understanding from others within a safe and inspiring environment.

User research highlights a desire for authentic connection and kindness amongst Gen Z. A large proportion of this group wish to step out of their comfort zones and socialise with like-minded people in a supportive and fulfilling event setting.

Home Kit

Home Kit is an emotionally driven, heart wrenching campaign strategy with central themes of nostalgia, father and son relationship and parental loss. Home Kit’s steadfast approach campaigns for men aged 30-45 to undergo urgent PSA testing, to assess prostate health and promote early detection of cancerous cells, prior to the possibility of potentially devastating results later in life.

Without the persuasive voice and the convenience of Home Kit, many men will continue to ignore getting tested for Prostate Cancer and potentially risk losing their lives to this devastating disease. Through its targeted emotional, family oriented and relatable approach, alongside providing a simple accessible PSA Self Testing Kit, Home Kit aims to highlight how vital early detection is. Prostate Cancer can be a killer disease and the sooner it is addressed the better the prognosis in most cases, helping  to avoid or limit the distressing and devastating impact a cancer diagnosis can have on families.



Home Kit aims to pull at family heart strings by its use of user-centred emotional design reminiscing in the joys of childhood and the irreplaceable relationship between a father and son. Young Dads are encouraged to protect themselves and their families by getting tested to rule out risk of Prostate Cancer, which could potentially stop them from being present for their child’s valuable key life moments and milestones.

Targeting UK Football stadiums across the UK, Home Kit’s campaign takeover intentionally disrupts the exhilarating atmosphere of football games at half-time with the harsh reality of more pressing events, manipulating an emotional response and activation from the audience through experience design. Strategic use of football terminology and visual language is utilised to directly inform the football audience of the very real and devastating impact a cancer diagnosis can have on families. ‘1 man dies of Prostate Cancer every 45 mins. That is 2 dads per game’, infers that during the first half of the match someone very important has just lost their battle and life to Prostate Cancer. 

Home Kit’s PSA Self Testing Kit

Following the Home Kit campaign takeover, the audience are invited to take home a free PSA Self Testing Kit which can be collected from Home Kit representatives as they leave the ground. Alternatively, major supermarkets and pharmacies stock Home Kit tests instore to collect at another time.

Home Kit’s PSA Self Testing Kit places the responsibility of men’s health check into their own hands, whilst ensuring ease and accessibility for immediate testing for use when and where they feel most comfortable such as in their home. This simple finger prick blood test takes under 5 minutes and delivers immediate results.  

Early assessment through PSA screening can help identify and mitigate risks.

Early detection may help alleviate the need for more invasive treatment, by managing prostate health accordingly prior to risk of permanent serious prostate damage.

Problem & Insight

Evidence suggests that 1 in 8 men will develop Prostate Cancer in their lifetime and is known to be the most common cancer in men in the UK (Prostate Cancer UK. 2023). This high risk expedites the need to assess prostate health and potential risks of cancer. Currently, many men portray neglectful behaviours when making the best decisions regarding their prostate health. This is partly due to a lack of medical screening and social awareness towards the severity of the condition, how to get tested and the significance of getting tested early. Additionally, these attitudes are heavily influenced by misinformation surrounding the testing process, creating stigma and fear towards prostate examination; it starts with a simple finger prick blood test.

Some men experience insecurity and feel violated at the thought of having a rectal exam, which will only become necessary if medical professionals believe a patient to be high risk following a blood test. In this case, the importance of checking prostate health is essential to protect not just the individual’s life but the devastating impact a loved one’s serious illness can have on families too.


Sizzle dynamically propels accessibility in the kitchen, accommodating the ever-changing needs of young 18-25 neurodivergent individuals with ADHD at mealtimes. Sizzle harnesses the potential of pre-packaged meals, optimising convenience, personalised specifically to cater to user preference and need for accessibility. Through step-by-step guides, personalised experience, and a friendly sense of community, Sizzle has the potential to accommodate the current gap for neurodivergent representation and accessibility in today’s meal-kit market. 

Padding the gap between traditional recipe kits and ready meals, Sizzle is a catalyst for self-accomplishment, catering for those who require additional support, dopamine and nutrition. Sizzle accommodates the wavering sensory experience of neurodivergent minds. With interactive tools such as the Accessibility Toggle, users can alter website graphics to help regulate cognitive stimulation. 


Work Experience

Design Intern 

Scala – Sittard, Netherlands
OCT 2022 – JUL 2023

In my multimedia role, I delivered motion graphics, design, and creative solutions for multiple entities within the STRATACACHE family of brands and external clients on a global scale, including X2O Media, Shimano, Fiege, La Poste, and Fresh Corner.

As the sole UK design representative for Scala, I provided a unique perspective within our team of five graphic designers where I shared my insights on how Scala could enhance solutions specifically for the UK market.

I collaborated remotely overseas within a multi-national team, including the design lead, the various marketing teams, and other important stakeholders. We strived to bring the STRATACACHE family brand assets and campaigns to life to deliver high quality and innovative content. 

My work spanned digital and print media, across web, interactive solutions, presentations, events, DOOH, mobile and tablet, focussing on creating user-centric omnichannel experiences.

This job role allowed me to cultivate a versatile skill set, including technical expertise in Adobe software, design proficiency, effective communication, problem-solving, time management, and self-awareness.


Graphic Design Assistant

Red and White Graphic Design – Farringdon, London
JUL – AUG 2017

Interior Design Assistant

Hot House Interior Design – Ampthill, Bedfordshire
MAY – JUN 2016


  • Diploma in Professional Studies
  • Oxbridge Gifted and Talented Award
  • Redborne Graphic Communication Prize
  • Redborne Business Studies Prize