phoebe-stainforth profile photo

A textiles design student who is passionate about interior design and finding new and exciting ways to integrate digital processes into the home.

Hanging Sanctuaries

A Brief Introduction To My Project:

The aim of my project is to create a collection of indoor hanging canopies with accompanying cushion designs for adults to experience ultimate comfort and sanctuary within. Unlike widely available children’s canopies I have incorporated features such as laser cut MDF panels to add a touch of luxury and maturity to my outcomes, which will be a fraction of the intended scale.

My final outcomes (not photographed below) will consist of three miniature canopies each with an accompanying cushion. Each canopy (A, B and C) has been inspired by a different studio Ghibli movie from which I found comfort as a child. I extracted and refined colour palettes taken from these three movies and used them to inform my designs.

Another inspiration for my project were the everyday items and random things I came cross whilst exploring the city of London. I photographed these weird magical objects and used them as a starting point for my drawings and later, my lino prints and digital development.

Lino print which has been hand drawn into (No.8/14)
Canopy group A – Mood board

Movie Inspiration: Howl’s Moving Castle

Canopy group B – Mood board

Movie Inspiration – Arrietty

Canopy group C- Mood board

Movie Inspiration – Spirited Away

Final digitally printed cushions

Cushions: (Top, B)( Mid, C)(Bottom, A)