Hive Haze

The story of Hive Haze starts with the Gurung, an indigenous community to the Annapurna mountain range in the foothills of the Himalayas. Twice a year they harvest “Mad Honey” during the spring it is rich with Rhododendron pollen which has a psychedelic effect. It is created by the Apis dorsata laboriosa, the world’s largest honey bee.

Crafted from a blend of honey, malt, and hops, mead offers a sophisticated alternative to beer. Hive Haze infuses half a teaspoon of mad honey with alcohol producing much milder effects to the hallucinogenic, appropriate for a western palate. It also provides several health benefits, boosts libido and can relieve muscle pain unlike its competition.

Twister Tower

Between the ages of 16-18 years is the biggest transition most people go through in their lives. 60% of young people are unable to cope due to pressure to succeed.

Twister wants to celebrate these milestone Birthdays and help prepare them for the future.

The Twister Tower is a puzzle game that teaches transferable skills which are crucial in the workplace. They will be notified on their 16th, 17th or 18th Birthday to visit their local Twister Tower via a Snapchat notification. This location can be found marked on Snap maps. There is a minimum of three players and once the prize has been won they are gone so it’s a race against the clock!

Perception Isn’t Reality

“Perception is not Reality” is a campaign to alleviate unemployment in ex-convicts after leaving prison. In particular the project focuses on those that are heavily tattooed on their face, neck and hands.

This project is needed to stop the cycle of recidivism. If ex-convicts are unable to get a job they will quickly fall into poverty. The only option at this point is normally to commit further crimes inevitably leading to another prison sentence.