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I see design as a puzzle, turning creative ideas into real-world solutions.

Final year Project



SMRT Move is a fitness and wellbeing product that utilizes wearable technology and a companionship app with the purpose of promoting positive spinal health.

Achieved through tracking the quality of movement in real time, the product provides vibration-based guidance to alert the user, keeping them at optimal performance.

This emphasizes safety and sustainable fitness progression providing fitness enthusiasts with workouts and support without the presence of a partner or trainer.


Over 41% of all athletes suffer from injuries from working out and other complex movements.

Created as an anagram SMRT move stands for Smart Monitoring Real Time Movement. The design of the logo and colour schemes is to encourage confidence, motivation, and a trustworthy brand. These aspects are important as they establish a connection and address user needs.

Wider Market

Creating a product that tracks the movements of the spine, although originally sports-cantered, opens up the market to other potential users. Breaking up the brand into three expanded sections:

SMRT Perform: focuses on sport and exercise workouts

SMRT Being: focuses on the wellbeing of spinal health activities such as yoga, workplace safety, the disabled and rehabilitation

SMRT Group: focuses on combining users to partake in joint activities and exercises live together. These can be used to host events, such as group personal training.

User Experience

Creating a user experience that appealed to wider market meant that different user needs and aspirations required different user experiences consisting of different capabilities and visuals.

Gamification is used through out the app to motivate and push users to stick to there goal progression digitally. This is done through feeding tracked information back to users in the form of rewards such as achievements, badges and leader boards.

Product Feasibility

Working with a gyroscope, accelerometers, and BLE receivers, this diagram shows how the inner coding of the product will work in detecting the current back position of the user.

This will serve as a warning to users while also tracking their exercises and activating haptic vibration sensors to alert them to a misalignment.

Prototype Story

When creating a fitness and well-being product such as SMRT Move, starting from scratch, experimenting, and designing for comfort, reliability, and manoeuvrability were of the utmost importance to not hinder or disturb exercises. These pictures below illustrate the development process of the harness and technology from start to finish.