mia-brodrick profile photo

I am a creative practitioner and futuristic enthusiast looking into the what textiles can become and building this in my practice with my own interpretive style. Focusing on transforming spaces and interiors with modern technical influences to create my outcomes.

Three acrylic transparent panels (A5) moulded into organic forms with laser cut artwork
Link to access the video: https://youtube.com/shorts/SBlqyRBdIPk

Above displays the development of the VR sculpture experience. The concept behind this piece is that people will enter an immersive virtual pod space where they will be presented with a reflective rotating sculpture. This sculpture has four different lights reflected onto it representing morning, noon, afternoon and dusk, elevated at different heights with different intensities of light this allows the viewer to have the correct intake of natural light that they desire.


Application and Future-Proofing

Industry Experience

CMF intern at PriestmanGoode (2022-23)