maria-cresswell-perry profile photo

I am a multi-disciplinary graphic designer with a specific interest in advertising and campaign design. I enjoy using my diverse skills to solve complex problems through creative and effective designs.

D&AD Brief

Airbnb Connect | D&AD Newblood

Personal Brief

Only 20 Seconds Campaign

Only 20 Seconds is an experiential event in London. The event will use retro arcade games to attract men in their 40s. Participants will partake in a nostalgic experience where they play these arcade games for a brief 20 seconds. The 20 seconds will represent the time it takes for a physical prostate examination. Following the game it will reveal that the event was conducted in partnership with Prostate Cancer UK. Participants will then receive information about the testing process and get a chance to book a test. This interactive event will integrate with other marketing touchpoints around London.

How it works

Participants in the Only 20 Seconds event will have the opportunity to engage in nostalgic fun by playing retro arcade games from the 80s and 90s. Upon pressing play on the machines, they will told they will be given 20 seconds to play the game. Following this brief gaming session, a ‘game over’ sign will appear on screen, accompanied by an explanation of how this 20 second experience mirrors the time it takes for a prostate exam. Participants can then scan a QR code to learn more about testing or sign up for a test if they are eligible.

Marketing Touchpoints

Personal Brief

Reversed Roles

Reversed Roles is a board game that mimics the career path of a female graphic designer, with the goal to become Creative Director. The game will include real-life obstacles that reflect gender-specific challenges women face. Players will follow the opposite gender’s path allowing men to experience the challenges women face and vice versa. The game aims to provide males in the design Industry with a firsthand experience of the hurdles women face in the industry. By promoting empathy and understanding, this interactive game will help to overcome gender gaps and advance an inclusive design environment through conversations.