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I am a designer who thrives on conceptualising solutions.
I pursue strong ideas designing impactful brand campaigns.
Using copywriting with typography, I craft inventive strategies, to lead my campaigns towards a compelling call to action.

‘Make your Mark’ – Crayola

A child’s handwriting is a part of their colourful originality.

Parent’s know this. They’re their pride! Their joy!

And Crayolians know this! Nearly everyone’s first marks are made with a Crayola crayon. By offering tools Crayola, nurture, unleash, and celebrate the originality in every child. Why? Because children have the ability to inspire the world.

But The Department for Education? The term ‘handwriting’ is not visible in the Early Years Statutory Framework. It’s not visible in the resource materials. ‘Handwriting’ is not visible.

This project aims to make every wondrous child’s handwriting visible. It will be celebrated. It will be projected onto buildings of cultural and educational significance. It is a petition for change.


The petition pack is Crayola’s very own Early Years Transition Record. By using the three step pack, children, with the support of parents and/or guardian, can make handwriting visible.

Overview of Progress:
For an MP to present to the House, handwritten signatures are a requirement of a public petition.

Next Steps:
Inspired by Crayola’s educational framework, parents and children can make their mark to unleash their wondrous originality.

Role Play:
Crayolians dream of play! Children will use the stickers in the pack to send everything back to Crayola.

‘Restore the Balance’ – Lululemon

Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) is a problem. Period.

HA is defined as three missed regular periods or six missed irregular periods. It affects 60% of elite middle – and long – distance female athletes.

However, 26% of women who exercise on a regular basis lose their periods.

‘Restore the Balance’ encourages female runners to a renew their periods by encouraging a holistic approach health. Sponsored by lululemon ‘Restore the Balance’ challenges female athletes to record as many minutes resting, as running, on Strava.

The 9 in 12 Fast and Free Run Club is introduced to female athletes with a subtle typographic campaign. Each touchpoint leads to the Strava club and challenge, whilst addressing the behaviours that prolong hypothalamic amenorrhea.

For each month the female athletes achieve balance, taking the steps to restore their period, a 20% discount will be available. Strava does the leg work, connecting to the athlete’s Apple wallet.

A road to community and inspiration for reflection, the zine is the foundation to re-align, and will be included with each month’s discounted purchase.