james-warden profile photo

Illustrator with a passion for stories. I hold passion for both the fantastic and educational. Design to uphold values of inclusivity and consideration.

Staircase Run-along

The Batsford Prize is an artistic Competition that occurs each year. This year the theme was ‘Gravity’. Entered into the Illustration category of the competition.

Birth of Birds

The Natural History Museum has rotating exhibitions between their different sites. I have designed a display depicting the journey of dinosaurs to modern day birds. It will consist of 5 modular sections that each cover a topic on key parts of in the history of birds.

Section 2 – The First Bird
Section 4 – Survival of the Great Extinction

Book Illustrations for ‘Do Gentoo Penguins dream of flying in Water’

This project consists of creating a book cover and illustrations for a book on Diversity and Project Management. The Book is a reflection of the author and media of importance to him.