imogen-gray profile photo

Hi! I'm Imogen, a well-rounded designer with a passion for illustration, storytelling and printmaking. I enjoy designing creative campaigns, incorporating bright colours and dynamic visuals.

The Krafterparty

This Campaign was a collaborative project with Phoebe Unwin as a response to the D&AD Kraft brief. The Krafterparty is an immersive, multi-platform campaign that portrays Kraft mac & cheese as an essential part of the debrief after a night out, encouraging young women to have their own fun whilst looking out for each other.

Veg Out

Veg Out is a branding project that aims to encourage more students to buy their fruit & veg from the market. This market delivery service would deliver the fresh fruit & veg straight to their door, saving them time and money. Outcomes I created for this project include: a zine, posters, stickers, an app, staff t-shirts and recipe cards.

Book of Small Wins

This book is a collection of student’s small wins, to help spread positivity and motivation. I created the illustrations using collage and laser cut text, the cover is made from acrylic and I hand-bound the book using coptic stitch.

On Air

Another collaborative project with Phoebe Unwin. On Air is our hypothetical design company that we may go on to create after graduation. The nostalgic, business-like visuals are reflective of our time at university as well as being heavily inspired by ‘The Truman Show’ film.