hope-eatock profile photo

I’m a graphic designer based in London with a love for branding and experience design. I enjoy designing conceptual & human-centric ideas that help to promote change, but I'm always up for a challenge and an opportunity to learn new skills.

In awe of thought.

Engulfed by projections of the abstract and fantastical. Sounds, smells and speculative phrases invite day dreaming.
Movement through the space triggers visuals to shift and blur. Sounds fade away whilst words disorder.
Sounds fluctuate in volume with mismatched smells. Enveloped by disorientating visuals, the curious become the confused.

‘StepSavyy’ | Designing a community for tourist safety in Barcelona.
New Ground’ | An event encouraging office workers to unite with conversations over coffee.
‘Intent’ | An interactive campaign shining a light on true crime podcasts.
‘Visible’ | An experiential campaign strategy, aiming to open eyes into the societal invisibility of midlife women.