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Motivated and well-rounded Product Designer with experience from front-end conceptualisation to pushing products towards market. I possess a strong blend of innovative Design Thinking and Engineering Principles, plus a high level of organisation, problem solving, presentation and communication skills.

Ella – Final Year Project

Making E-Healthcare Simple…

Ella looks to make taking vital measurements at home easy, designed with and for elderly users, uniquely providing pre-emptive health insights and driving improved independent health literacy and management, benefiting patient and healthcare provider. With automation and AI at the heart of this device, this service helps take a step towards a more efficient and interconnected national health service.

One of the key principles when developing Ella, was co-design, aiming to bring target users into the design process to make the design as elderly-friendly as possible. Throughout the product development process, I workked with frequently and iteratively to validate each component of the service and each change made, to develop a strong, feasible design solution that users can understand and use.