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Hi, I'm Harriet - An empathetic designer focused on creating meaningful interactions that inspire positive change and enrich lives.


Tula is a women’s non invasive, vitamin deficiency detection device that aims to help aid hormonal balance and track deficiencies for people on hormonal contraception.

80 % of women suffer from hormone imbalance and with new research showing hormonal contraception’s effects on women’s vitamin and hormone levels the market is large for Tula.

By detecting the frequencies of vitamins through the scanning of three finger tips – it measures the levels of vitamins A,B,C,D,E, and K. The device also includes a probe, designed to measure iron levels through scanning of the inner lip. When the users collected their results the details are sent to the Tula app to be tracked. Insights are then given on how these levels may be effecting the users hormones and what can be done to balance the results.

The Tula products and app work together to give guidance and knowledge to the users about the vitamin and hormonal health. The app has a combination of features such as vitamin tracking, cluster diagnosis and a mood calendar to give the user all the information they need to meet their hormonal balance goals.

Through prototyping, various models were produced to test the interaction points of the product. 3D printing ensured the measurements done at foam modelling phase were accurate and intuitive. It allowed multiple testing rounds to be done on touch points of the device and lead to higher levels of user evaluation.

UX: Process

By creating multiple personas and conducting initial focus groups with the target market, it gave insights to develop the Tula app. Wireframing and bodystorming were also used to help work on what features would give the best outcome for the user. It was important the the link to hormones was done in the app side of the design, so user testing was done through out to ensure the app was educational and trustworthy.

Tula App

Additional Projects

Live Project – Eve

‘Eve’ is an air filtration mobile designed to tackle pollution in the home. Indoor air pollution can have detrimental effects on infants health and this design was engineered for advanced air purification with the aim to reduce mould, allergens and pollutants while promoting better air circulation and removal of C02. The design intends to be neutral to ensure it is a product any parent would like in their nursery.

UX Project – Bloem

Bloem is a UX project aimed at elderly co – housing residents living in the Netherlands. The app helps elderly residents to meet new people in their community, build relationships and ‘resource share’. The objective of this is to reduce energy usage and give the residents knowledge of how to make more eco choices. The app uses specific features to appeal to the target persona and has aided micro interactions to ensure understanding from every resident in the community.

Work Experience

2023 – 2024 – Junior Designer at Damson Homes Property Development


  • Diploma of Professional Studies
  • 2024 Loughborough Universities Live Projects – Highly Commended
  • RSA Awards 2024 – Nominated