freyja-john profile photo

Hi! I'm Freyja, a multidisciplinary designer who specialises in branding and illustration. I enjoy detail-orientated design as a method of storytelling and problem solving, creating characters and delivering narratives in a fun and playful way.

Pomana – BrandOpus Cider brief

My submission for BrandOpus’s cider brief. Pomona, named after the Roman goddess of orchards, is a cider brand that branches away from the conventional ideas of cider. Pomona’s main core value is how cider connects people, whether it’s a pub crawl with friends to an awkward first date, Pomona tell the stories of those who love cider.

The target audience is Millenials and Gen Z, people who are interested on more quirky and story-based design as found through my research. Pomona’s branding identity uses geometric shapes and repeating patterns that can be connected to each carton, creating an endless puzzle pattern to celebrate how cider can be connected to so many different kinds of people. The zig-zag shape of the bottles also reflects this value as well as act as extra grip. Bottle comes with a barcode that uses AR to animate the bottle, bringing the product to life (demonstration of this animation found be found here (clickhere)).


Wayfinding for Pomana includes billboards, drink trucks for festivals, markets and a Photobooth that can be found at various club nights and bars associated with Pomana. The photobooth uses Pomana’s patterns as filters so people can take memorable photos with the drink, they think represents them best.

Spellbound – Fantasy activity pack for kids

In collaboration with Hiba Khan and Amy Calladine

What is spellbound

Spellbound is a fantasy themed activity pack for children aged 5-7. Through our research we discovered that school children average around seven hours a day on screens, with 25% of 5–7-year-olds having access to their own smartphones and 65% of children having access to social media apps (e.g. WhatsApp, TikTok, Instagram, etc).

Spellbound aims to encourage children to spend less time on the internet using fantasy to encourage their imagination, improve mindfulness and develop their motor skills (Such as handwriting).

This product also aims to support parents in spending more time with their children by setting them quests through the activities and support their child’s learning.

Spellbound work-sheet layouts

Our activity packs come as a deck of cards in an adventure satchel. The cards come with two sides, one with the child’s activity and the other with instructions for the parent to help them encourage and bond with their child. There are multiple decks for various settings and occasions such as at home or on the go. Each pack also comes with their unique fantasy creature and border design. When children complete their quests, the parents can reward them with a sticker that comes with our activity pack.


Semester 1 Projects

Hop-to-Miss – Hoptimise your movie experience

Have you ever had to check the warnings before a movie? Have you had to cover your 7-year-old cousin’s eyes cause Game of Thrones isn’t just about dragons? Ever had to explain why you can’t watch Euphoria? People are often limited to what films they can watch due to PTSD, phobias and sensory/psychological reasons. This can ruin your movie night and create uncomfortable viewing experiences. Current tools are outdated and rarely address the problem in real time.

Hop-to-Miss is an extension browser with the aim of making movie-watching more accessible. Collaborating with, it combines crowdsourcing and AI to allow users the opportunity to have real time content warnings while watching movies.

To make the user experience easier, all triggers are grouped into five categories (Sensory issues, Physical/emotional harm, Sexual content, Phobias, Animal harm), each represented by a unique icon (shown in top left corner). Icons are animated to make navigating the website more engaging and enjoyable.

This project includes a figma website (click here) that allows the user to create a personalised and comfortable movie-watching experience.

Google Doodle – APD Awareness day + game

3-5% of school children are diagnosed with an Auditory Processing Disorder. APD causes difficulties processing sound. It can make it difficult to understand overlapping conversations, spoken instructions, similar sounding words and people in loud places. Children with APD often struggle to interact due to not being able to fully hear their teachers or peers, leading to low self-esteem, anxiety and depression from feeling isolated.

Therefore, this Google Doodle campaign aims to spread awareness by using its platform to make the population more aware of APD using overlapping text to represent the overwhelming experience of not being able to hear properly.

Part of this campaign includes a Google puzzle game that follows a fox character with APD. Help him as he tries to manage everyday conversations without getting too anxious, each level gets harder as the audio gets more distorted due to louder environments. After each stage is complete, the player  receives an illustration as well as fact about APD to educate people during the game.