emily-harriet-johnson-doherty profile photo

Multi media textiles enthusiast orientating in on appliqué, patchwork, quilting, felting and embellishment. I have a particular love and interest in creating soft sculptures.

A Kaleidoscope of Coral Bleaching Hope

As a continuation and linking to my last semester project showing love and appreciation for turtles and water for early years education interior design. I have planned my coral. I fear for the world if we do not protect it, I understand that coral plays a major role. Corals look particularly eye catching with florescent colours, unique shapes and fluidity. Since a child, I was taken on a regular basis to explore my love for corals in conservation aquarium attractions. As an adult, I still visit these aquariums and I can see the delight the children get observing the coral. On reading signs by the tanks filled with attractive coral the aquarium informed how their coral has been reseeded and ‘home grown’ by the aquarists which is positive. Other signage stipulating sadly coral all around the world in its natural habitat is bleaching due to climate change warming sea temperatures. This bleaching means that there is a mass decline in coral, due to humankind actions and this came at a shock. 

Visual photography and Drawing

Pastel drawing of aquarist grown soft coral
Aquarium grown soft coral
Aquarium sea anemone
Aquarium bubble coral

A Taste of My Collection and Sampling

As a young adult who has grown up with anxiety for climate, I instinctly feel like there is not enough said or done to care for the corals. I felt compelled further research aid, regarding the corals as the bleaching was unknown to me. Throughout my pieces I intend to produce a message displaying hope for these wonderful creatures and the risk they are in. In truth, I hope this will help spread the message that humankind needs to protect them. 

Here are a few selected images some of my final collection pieces which will be showcased in the Degree Show. As well as details of samples.

Coral shroud
Stages of sea anemone bleaching: Alive, Hope, Bleached.
Kaleidoscope of coral tapestry
Soft sculpture bubble coral sea anemone
Kaleidoscope sunburst dye technique and stitch.
Coral bleaching sun photograph fabric captures.
Free machine embroidery, dyed merino wools, water soluble stabiliser.
Process of natural dyed and sunography fabric quilt sandwich ready to be bind.
Disperse dye stencil sea anemone quilted
Close up of quilting on coral thermometer quilt
Improvised patchwork close up
Emily hard at work enjoying free motion quilting.

Final Year Journey to the Show: Semester 1 Work- Turtle Bay

Quilted play mat with tactile elements.
Digitalised underwater layered acrylic painting- wall mural in early years interior setting
Wooden interactive turtle board on OHP refection
Wooden board on top of Lightbox tactile elements and wooden pieces
Patchwork prototype for canopy


2024 Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS)

2020- 21 Textiles course representative

2020 Diploma in Foundation Art and Design

2021 Winner of Loughborough University Vitra doll summer competition ‘Burlesque’ paying homage to Alexandra Girard

Work Experience

Sew Simple 2022- 23

I completed a year long placement at a small independent business which supplies haberdashery and fabrics for patchwork. It also provides patchwork and quilting lessons to the public. During this year, I was able to thrive my professional communication skills by talking to suppliers, customers and teaching. As well as increase my practice skills learning traditional patchwork, making commissions and developing a high niche and love for handmade patchwork and quilting craftsmanship.

Hashtag Me student Ambassador 23- 2024

A paid role where I helped with promotion, implement and smooth running of the 12-week mental health course, acting as a central point of contact for all students. I was able to help a wide range of Loughborough University students, develop my personal skills and widen my university experience.