elisa-zeng profile photo

As a graphic design student, I enjoy how design is a powerful way to communicate using colour and patterns, creatively turning complex ideas into something simple and interesting.

Kitchen Craft

Overconsumption and wasted resources can cause serious issues that we all understand and want to prevent. Research shows that 60% of food waste comes from our homes. So, how can we responsibly consume the food we buy at the supermarket?

Kitchen Craft aims to help prevent food waste by personalizing meal plans based on taste, providing notifications and solutions for the food we have, and encouraging us to plan ahead and waste less.

Personalised Meal Planning

Kitchen Craft offers a weekly planning feature that helps users plan before shopping, ensuring they buy the right amount of food to reduce waste and save money. Select personal diet preferences and swipe through recipes to add ingredients to your shopping list. Plan responsibly and no more struggling with what to cook next—just follow the recipe and get started!

Idea Generation

Get instant inspiration from recipes and user posts by scanning the barcode. Save time deciding what to cook and enjoy helpful tips when exploring new ingredients in supermarkets.

Expiring Soon? Get Recipe Ideas!

Kitchen Craft is like having a fridge on your phone. It helps you save food by providing recipe ideas when items are close to their expiration dates, going beyond just sending notifications!

Mei’s Journey

The adventure story ‘Mei’s Journey’ follows the main character, Mei, as she navigates the new environment of Greece. She embarks on a magical journey with the Greek goddess Hestia, opening the door to travels across various countries where they experience the artistic charm of cultures around the world.

This children’s picture book is designed to celebrate the richness of different cultures and help third-culture kids adapt to new environments. As a third-culture kid myself, I lived in various countries, and the unfamiliar environments and cultures often made me feel confused and nervous as a child. I hope this book can lessen children’s anxiety about unfamiliar cultures while fostering love and respect for the diverse cultures of the world.

They travel to celebrate cultures and festivals in different countries, where they meet friendly local friends and learn the meaning behind every tradition. On the Day of the Dead in Mexico, they see orange marigolds, vibrant dresses, and colourful face painting, as everyone welcomes back the souls of passed relatives.