effy-pearman profile photo

I'm a Graphic designer, specialising in illustration, branding and editorial work. I love experimenting with colour and creating eye catching pieces.

Penguin Cover Design Award Entry

This illustration, was my entry for the adult fiction category (Daisy Jones and the six). The goal was to encapsulate the rock and roll themes within the story.

Trash to Treasure

Trash to Treasure is an editorial fashion zine with a focus on combating over consumption. The purpose is to display thought provoking pieces to inspire people to find potential in give old things a new life.

PearShaped Cider

PearShaped Cider is an authentic and exciting cider brand inspired by craft beers with a focus on giving cider a new lease of life. This project was created as a submission to the hatch project by BrandOpus.

Brit Abroad

Brit abroad is a language learning subscription service that utilizes acquisition and immersion techniques. With the use of light hearted comedic value, Brit abroad is targeted towards monolingual English speakers to encourage them to learn something new and break the stereotype.