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Hello, I'm Daniel.
I am a highly passionate industrial designer who is excited by future technologies and electric vehicles. I enjoy utilising my creative problem-solving approach to solve real world issues through design.


Switch is the future of EV charging, allowing home charge point owners to share their power publicly. 60% of homes in major towns and cities do not have access to their own driveways, and with an increasing number of people renting their homes, installing home chargers simply is not an option for everybody. As we move towards 100% EV sales by 2035, the number of people owning EVs is set to increase rapidly.

Switch aims to reduce the burden on an already overstretched public charging network by allowing shared use of home chargers. This will allow home charge point owners to profit from their charger while offering a cheaper and more convenient option for other EV owners in their neighbourhood who may not have their own charger at home.

Welcome to Charging Freedom – Welcome to Switch

Through many stages of user testing, Switch has been designed for the real world. My specialism in human factors has enabled me to ensure that Switch is successful ergonomically and has a strong user interface to guide users through a simpler charging experience.

Switch – Strength of the return-to-centre function of the rotating dial.

Placement Year

I am proud to have spent my placement year working at Nissan in Future Technologies and Advanced Engineering Research. I was exposed to many real world problems during my time at Nissan and was able to grow my passions around electric vehicles and technologies of the future.