Airbnb Connect

Finding real social connection in the current day can be difficult with social media, but Airbnb connect is bringing young people back into third places around the world. Airbnb Connect removes the barriers of approaching and starting a conversation with a stranger. It is essential to have a space beside home and work to create an active community, for personal mental and physical health.

Airbnb Connect allows guests to easily locate third places and experience the local community, using is a digital map tool to conveniently explore the options. With the ability to arrange meet up events with new like-minded people, it is made simple to produce meaningful real life connections, in real physical spaces.

The connect QR code voucher allows travellers who are on a budget to gain easier access into local spaces, and therefore easily integrate into the local culture and communities they visit. To be used at any of the third places highlighted under the ‘Where you’ll be’ section map, this enables people to return to these spaces again in the future rather than just the once. Visual promotion through the social media platforms is the main first touchpoint, from here the audience can click a link to direct them to easy access to the tool, following the user journey.



As social media romanticises climbing within outdoor spaces, the sport is gaining a lot more traction from those with no experience or knowledge of the practice. On initial impressions these new faces don’t know where to find this information or how to communicate within the sport’s community. Form is an environmental and social campaign, working toward informing beginners on how to approach the sport and promoting inclusivity to all. The Form guidebook informs not only sport specific information, but also how to do use this new bank of information to climb responsibly through ‘clean climbing’ methods. All profits produced from the book are then donated directly to those working on protecting the rocks in the crags, such as by rock maintenance events.

The Form guidebook breaks away from the structure of a normal guidebook, where rather than placing large chunks of complicated information on pamphlet to be destroyed in a climber’s pocket, the Form guidebook is something to be taken care of for many years to come. Using a circular economy, as the climber becomes more experienced and no longer need this information, the book can be donated back to their local climbing gym to be re-donated to new climbers in the future.

An app version of the guidebook can be purchased also as a donation to the campaign, using the same simplified visual style of the physical book. The app is easy to follow through clear iconography for each piece of gear. In this case those who struggle more with literate information, can easily zoom in on the written information and view this on larger readable scale for ease of use.


Where the guidebook itself can be a tool for the campaign to raise more money and awareness, the brand itself is focused on the environmental deformation of crags that are not only vital to climbing, but the natural world. The brand identity uses textural typography by the letters themselves being created from ripped paper, which visualises that the surfaces we climb on are ‘as thin as paper’, therefore the fragility of this surface can be emphasised across the social media space. Promotion of the movement via elite athletes themselves reaches the wider audience of the entire climbing community, including beginners and experienced climbers.