olivia-goodman profile photo

My primary school teacher said I lit up their classroom with my personality and smile, but academically I will amount to nothing. I know the first comment is true and this is my "nothing".


Have you ever wondered what is it like to read with dyslexia?

This project looks at showing people what it is like to read when having dyslexia and encourage parents of children with dyslexia to keep their children reading.

Why did I do these posters?

Dyslexia is often misunderstood as solely a spelling issue, with many unable to comprehend the challenges faced by individuals with dyslexia when it comes to reading. Through my creation of posters and a brand, I aimed to shed light on the daily struggles experienced by those with dyslexia. These visuals provide an insight into the difficulties faced in reading not only physical materials like posters and books, but also in navigating digital platforms such as social media

Animation played a crucial role in this project, allowing me to visually demonstrate the movement of words. This aspect was particularly significant to me, as I personally experience challenges in maintaining my place while reading or perceiving words clearly. Through animation, I aimed to capture and convey the dynamic nature of words, enhancing the understanding of the reading experience for individuals like myself.

Wave watchers

Ever wondered what the different flags mean at the beach? or where the tide is going?

Such simple knowledge should be learnt as soon as people step onto a beach to surf alone. Wave watchers are wanting to create a test to make sure all ages and range of surfers know things that could save their lives.

Here is an example of an advert.

Mac a mate

Me and my friend Jemima made a submission to the D&AD contest 2024 about Mac and cheese. We designed an event to get to Mac a mate.

More projects…

Semester 1 project

Golden Finance

Semester 1 project


Work Experience



Diploma of Professional Studies

Work Experience

Graphic Designer

11Investments, an international recruitment business which owns five different brands

July 2022 – July 2023 (1 year)

  • Rebranded three of their businesses and led the new branding rollout.
  • Managed all my client needs first hand, all their expectation and my work.
  • Designed client-facing sales and commercial reports.
  • Redesigned pitch decks targeting new clients with updated company messaging, infographics and layouts.
  • Managed my time and workload in a fast-paced office with a culture of same / next day timelines