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As a user-centred designer, I am dedicated to creating impactful digital experiences that bring value to the user.

Pulse Website/App


Pulse is a service designed for local business owners in Loughborough, created to address issues identified in the Loughborough Town Investment Plan. It aims to connect local businesses with valuable resources to alleviate feelings of isolation and lack of support to enhance place satisfaction. The Pulse website serves as a platform for business owners to connect, share knowledge, exchange skills, and provide mutual support. The Pulse App is designed for Loughborough students who want to seek local work and valuable experience for their professional growth.

How it works.


Werdigo cleverly engages users with a play on words. Where should your rubbish go?’- to the users and ‘Where does my rubbish go?’ from the users. Its primary goal is to address the concerning influx of soft plastic food packaging in landfills by advocating recycling over disposal. It serves as interim measure until plastic food packaging can be entirely eliminated. The app incorporates multiple features that allow users to adopt sustainable habits aligned with the principles of circular economy.