sophia-holloway profile photo

Hi! I’m Sophia. As a designer I strive to create visually engaging touchpoints that connect with my audience to influence behaviours. I have a strong passion for branding and illustration, as well as the drive to explore package design more.

Final project

The Golden Bears x Boots UK

According to recent statistics 76% of adults didn’t know that their youngsters are advised to take Vitamin D supplements.

Launching late Summer, The Golden Bears have teamed up with Boots UK campaigning for a focused push in Vitamin D supplement taking for adults and their little ones in the Autumn and Winter months.

The Golden Bears supplement product makes Vitamin D fun and interactive for children plus a stress free way of taking it. The product encourages both adults and children to take the supplements at the same time. The packaging is partnered together with clear instructions how to use and the relevant medical advice and guidance.

D&AD New Blood 2024 submission


The Poster
In venue staircases and escalator – Environmental branding
In venue toilets – Environmental branding

Exploring UX design

Powered by Dogs Trust, an app that fits it users with the best dog breed to suit both lifestyle and personality.
A recipe generating app that encourages friendship forming and healthy meal making for 1st year University students.


  • Diploma of professional studies 2023

Work Experience

July 2022- July 2023 Graphic Intern for Hays Enterprise Solutions Global

July 2023 – July 2023 LEGO group Graphic store design work shadowing

July 2021 – August 2021 Artis Graphic design Intern