olivia-flavell profile photo

I am a driven and adventurous designer, and am passionate about pursuing new designs that focus on the current needs and demands of society by providing meaningful solutions to improve the lives of those around us.

Final Project


Aemi Autistic Emotional Monitoring Indicator Headphone

Aemi is a headphone device focused on improving emotional regulation and communication between hospital staff and young verbal and non-verbal autistic patients. The illuminating, sound-cancelling headphones along with an interactive app allows children with autism in a hospital or clinic environment to clearly communicate their emotions to staff. This visual communication eliminates the need for stressful encounters and questioning during hospital/clinic visits, providing the user with a less overwhelming experience and parents or medical staff with instant emotional feedback.


This lightweight transportable headphone can be carried by the user anywhere at any time or already placed in situ in a medical environment for autistic patients use. The soft earmuff and headband feature creates a comforting and safe design, as well as tactile sensory features running along the side of the headphone for extra sensory and anxiety relief. 

Aemi – App

The app is specifically designed for ease of interaction by the user. Bright interactive colours and characters allow the user to feel at ease and enjoy using the app. Other features such as drawing, music, and breathing therapy help to reduce stress and decrease the sensory overload often created by hospital/clinic visits. The app controls the illuminating headphones, allowing both verbal and particularly non-verbal users the ability to easily choose and display and alert  their emotional state to both hospital/medical staff and parents. 

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In use
Storyboard representation


For Design week I chose a brief by Panasonic. The brief was to design an experience which develops meaningful relationships between those living in University shared accommodation. We were set with the task of improving physical, digital and spatial touch points in order to improve the interactions of people within these spaces. I developed an app that focused on fostering meaningful connections among university students by leveraging the convenience of a dedicated app, aimed at promoting active participation in social sports.

Scenario board 02