martha-olive-bowie profile photo

I am a thoughtful and enthusiastic graphic designer with an interest in illustration.

Regeneration of Northampton

A project working with West Northamptonshire Council to create some visual assets to include within their current regeneration scheme of Northampton Town Centre.

The main outcome for the project is a series of 30″ x 96″ banners, located along the newly made walkway connecting the train station with the town centre.

The banners will highlight the towns history along with its new and exciting prospects that are now possible due to the regeneration project.

Image taken from where all current information about the regeneration project is displayed

The project also includes some collage-style billboards, using symbolic iconography of Northampton Town and Northamptonshire. These billboards will be located in and around the Town Centre.

Contextualised visualisation – primary images taken from within Northampton Town Centre.

‘Reality Check’

‘Reality Check, Introducing a New World’ is the first issue in a series of zines created around the subject of dreaming. Available on public transport, in waiting rooms and at times where people may experience boredom and/or stress, whilst waiting around. The zine’s purpose is to parallel the subconscious mind through its illustrations – to be relatable, offering escapism for people when they need it most – before being hit with the reality-check of life.

Each issue of the zine will have four double page spreads of illustrations, offering an insight into different aspects of dreams. Issue one is an introductory zine, showing four different types of dreams – the following issues will delve into more detail.

Created for the ‘Roulette’ competition brief.

Contextualised visualisation, showing where the zine might be located and read

Penguin Book Covers

Two book covers created for the Penguin Book Cover competition – Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid and City of Stolen Magic by Nazeen Ahmed Pathak.