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My designs are mainly focussed around aesthetics, marketing and viability. I enjoy drawing from a range of retro and vintage influences, and applying these classic design principles to new, innovative products.


The Kettle – Reworked

The aim of “Cuppa” has been to develop a way of heightening and refining the tea experience, drawing from the rich cultural history of tea, but applying it to a new product and new technologies.

The product function draws primarily from Turkish culture, as well as a study by the Royal Society of Chemistry, which not only vastly improves the end result of making a cup of tea, but also develops it into an enjoyable process in itself.

This is achieved through a combination of processes; heating the water to exact temperatures for particular leaves, steaming the leaves first to achieve a gentler result, as well as precise circulation of water and exact brewing times, all able to be personalised by the user.

The product has been based around simplicity of assembly/disassembly with a view to easy access and replacement of parts, with the idea being that it is almost infinitely possible to repair and keep using; a counterpoint to the disposable nature of many modern consumer appliances.