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I love experiencing design in the world around me and applying it to my own projects. Branding has always been a passion of mine and I strive to create powerful, lasting visual identities that dont have to sacrifice for modernity.

IMAX Refract – D&AD Brief


IMAX is all about overwhelming the senses, creating an immersive experience that you can’t forget. In honour of this, IMAX Refract focuses on the sense of sight, and how IMAX is able to deliver these experiences to us through light. IMAX Refract is a sub brand system under the IMAX parent brand. Using the refraction of light as the building blocks along with dynamic linework, the IMAX Refract sub brand system offers a series of adaptable and immersive logos, that focus on the experience IMAX offers. Each brand has its own colour scheme under the parent colour scheme of the IMAX brand, offering a unique and identifiable visual identity that fits in and is still recognisable as an IMAX brand.


IMAX offers a wide range of products to further spread their immersive capabilities, offering educational documentaries all the way to heart grabbing live experiences. These products make IMAX more widely accessible to consumers of all different interests. The problem? No one knows about them, they lack a visual identity and a strong branding to stand on their own.


IMAX has fostered a global demographic with a common interest in the big screen. Ranging from 18 to 54 this generation are used to living in a world engulfed by consumerism which makes branding more important than ever. To reach this generation brand visibility and personality are crucially important, as it allows a channel of communication to open up between the consumer and the product. Current IMAX consumers are already aware of the unique experiences IMAX offer and any branding needs to stay true to this. Communicating these messages further shows that the other products IMAX offers provide the same breathtaking experience and are worth investing time in.


IMAX is an industry leader in cinema innovation working with multiple companies, titles and franchises – therefore branding and sub branding needs to be used across many different styles and contexts, especially IMAX Live. IMAX Live is all about bringing different genres, entertainments and events to the big screen, making adaptability essential. IMAX Live’s design is built with adaptability in mind, keeping the recognisable light design in the typography. The logo is able to be used in a multitude of colours and gradients allowing it to fit into any media required.

Bringing IMAX to the viewers

IMAX Refract builds a line of communication between IMAX’s products and the consumer. Allowing the consumer to bring IMAX into their homes and day-to-day lives. As consumers begin living with this sub branding IMAX will not just be a household name, but be a part of the household. The Refract sub branding system is a way for the consumers to get to know IMAX and everything it has to offer; the laughs, the tears, the gasps and the scares – giving IMAX a whole new level of emotion and connection. The IMAX Refract sub branding system also improves the organisation of the IMAX brand and its products – creating clear distinctions and making it easier for the consumer to understand what IMAX is offering them.

Koala – The neurodivergent friendly task management app


1-in-7 people in the UK are neurodivergent – seeing, experiencing and understanding the world differently to those around them. Neurodivergent brains process time differently, struggle with executive dysfunction and especially in cases with ADHD, struggle to get the satisfaction out of completing small tasks. Despite there being such a large percentage of neurodivergent people globally, there are no tools or resources to help neurodivergent people. Most existing task management apps and to do lists focus on the neurotypical, making them difficult to use for their neurodivergent counterparts; and as a result, leaving them with low self confidence and higher rates of work-related anxiety and academic success.


For many decades being neurodivergent has been seen as a setback, and a reason to feel less capable than those around you, this is not the case. Being neurodivergent can set you apart from the crowd, allowing you to be much better in certain areas of cognitive function than the general population – however this is not to say it doesn’t have its setbacks. Time and task management is a very common and well known struggle for those who are neurodivergent.


Koala is a task management app designed for neurodivergent brains, it recognises areas of difficulty like serotonin boosts from completing tasks for those with ADHD, with a reward based system and utilises a colour and typography system to help those with Dyslexia. Koala also allows the user to break down big tasks into smaller chunks, reducing the risk of becoming overwhelmed, and increasing the probability of the task being completed on time. Koala is built for minimum effort needed, following the user around like a companion – available for use on desktops, phones, smartwatches and tablets. Built with a tag system, Koala is completely customisable to users requirements, and can be different for everyone that uses it.

OVU – Mental health support and connectivity for women with PCOS


1-in-10 women in the UK have Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome. A chronic disease that causes women to experience elements of male puberty and excessive weight gain. Despite so many women experiencing PCOS many women have to suffer alone, dealing with the mental health issues that come with PCOS alone – all because they don’t know many other women who also have PCOS.


Polycystic Ovaries is a syndrome that can feel very isolating, as the women who have it experience symptoms throughout their body that other women don’t. It can feel like a very taboo and self conscious topic to talk about, as many women cannot relate to things like growing a beard or not having periods. A lot of women suffer with mental health issues as a direct result of their PCOS causing insecurity and anxieties. For women with PCOS, talking with others who can relate to and understand what they are going through is something very valued.


OVU is an app created to help women with PCOS help manage their mental health, while also creating a community of women who can talk to and help each other with their conditions. OVU strives to help create meaningful connections between those who have to live with PCOS and make their lives a little easier. Being able to talk to others on OVU about topics they may not feel comfortable talking about, with people who don’t have PCOS, helps greatly for women who don’t have anyone in their immediate vicinity. Anyone who uses OVU gains access to cutting edge resources to help manage anxiety and stress – allowing these women to be more aware of how they are feeling, working through it with those around them in the moment, or those they know through the app.