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My name is Jacob, I'm a creative Product Designer who loves solving tough design and manufacturing problems and bringing both my own and others' ideas to life.


reusable, refillable, rechargeable

reFresh is a reusable, refillable and rechargeable aerosol can that aims to reduce the impact of personal care aerosol products on indoor air quality and the surrounding environment.

Aerosol products now release more Volatile Organic Compounds into the atmosphere than cars.

The vast majority of which come from personal care aerosol products. This is only increasing along with the demand for aerosolised products, particularly in developing countries.

In developed countries, the average consumer uses 10 aerosol cans per year. Often releasing the chemical propellants inside small, poorly ventilated areas inside their homes.


Whilst aerosol alternatives do exist, they are far from perfect. Many people want to reduce their aerosol usage but find non-aerosolised options off-putting – whether it’s the long time to dry, the sticky residue, or the wet application. The truth is simply that the convenience and performance of aerosols for personal care cannot be beat.

This is where the reFresh aerosol can comes in. Using a valve in the bottom of the aerosol can, it can be charged with compresed air from the stand – allowing it to constantly be topped up to a high pressure for atomisation, using compressed air instead of harmful VOCs. The aerosol can unscrews in to two halves, allowing the user to refill or replace the liquid product inside.

The aerosol can comes with a soft rubber cover. The purpose of this is to not only provide added comfort, but to prevent unintentional or absent-minded opening of the aerosol can before it has been depressurised.

The reFresh stand can be used to charge the aerosol can to the preset recommended pressures, or the user can choose to set a custom pressure.
The controls are simple, consisting of a dial (using optical encoder technology) and a selection switch.

The screen walks the user through each choice until they confirm a chosen pressure. They are then instructed to press down on the pressure plate, activating the motor and piston.

This requires a deliberate act for charging the aerosol, ensuring the motor cannot be accidentally set off.


Live projects

Live projects is a 10 day design sprint with briefs set by external companies. For this project I followed the brief set by TTP: ‘Design a product that helps individuals manage a medical condition they are living with’ – considering geography and using a non-medical brand.

In response to this I designed a modular, repairable knee brace for people living with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome – a disease that causes frequent dislocations and hyperextension in joints. (Logos removed for copyright)
The brace is modular, targeted for outback towns in Australia where access to physiotherapists is limited.

The design of the removable hinges mean they stop extension at 90* flexion and 10* extension – reducing risk of hyperextension.

The colourful and crocs-branded style fixes a common issue patients had with their braces looking ‘too medical’.

Now patients can wear their supports with confidence.


  • 3rd place Live projects – Awarded by TTP
  • Diploma of Professional Studies (DPS)

Work experience

Placement year at Lifemarque ltd.

I spent my placement year at Lifemarque ltd. working in the 4 encompassing brands (Lifesystems, Lifeventure, LittleLife and Mountain Paws) but primarily creating products for Lifesystems and being in-charge of re-inventing the Mountains Paws brand.